Recipe of the month
Pan fried brill fillet with chorizo and tarragon croquettes in a mussel, cider and spinach creamIngredients (for 4 people):
Olive oil
4 x 150g brill fillets
1 x small onion
2 x garlic cloves
1kg x mussels
4 x medium potatoes
100g x cooking chorizo
1 x small handful tarragon
1 x egg
½ cup flour
1 x cup bread crumbs
¼ bottle good quality dry cider
100g x spinach
50mls x double cream
25g x butter
To make the croquettes:
- Pan fry finely chopped chorizo for 2 minutes, until oil is released
- Mix into mashed potato
- Add finely chopped tarragon and seasoning
- Roll into sausage shapes, roughly 1 inch thick
- Roll in bread crumbs
- Pan fry just before serving
To cook the mussels:
- Fry onions, saffron and garlic with olive oil on a low heat
- Add mussels on medium heat until they start to open
- Add cider
- Put lid on and steam until mussels are completely open
- Add a dash of double cream, butter and the washed spinach
To cook the brill:
- Pan fry fish in olive oil for 2 minutes on each side
To plate up:
- Place croquettes and mussels on the plate before adding the brill
- Drizzle sauce over the top of the dish
- Garnish with pea shoots and serve